domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011

Who won the winter carnival ?? SENIORRRRRRRRRS!
claro que agente ganhou porque quem foi que comeu 8 sundaes em menos de 3 min? EUUUUUUUUUU KKKKKKKKK
pra quem nao sabe o que e winter carnival, todo ano na minha escola tem um dia antes das ferias de fevereiro e e muito desputado entre as turmas, principalmente entre seniors e juniors. Agente passa o dia todo tendo gincanas e jogos e tem que fazer um filme e um musical. Eu nem tava colocando muita fe nos seniors ganhar, nao mesmo, mas agente so ganhou porque agente ganhou muitas gincanas no dia, mas agente perdeu no de doacoes, no filme, no musical. Fui durmir no dia antes de 1 da manha fazendo camisas e acordei 5:30 pra ir pra o colegio decorar. Eu tinha tomado cafe da manha antes de comer os sorvetes kkkkkkkkk mas tambem depois dissoso comi de noite ahuauhahu. Fiquei feliz porque minha turma ganhou porque foi a primeira e ultima vez que eles ganharam. Agora nao tenho uma semana de aula, mas tenho basquete, mal espero pra ficar na casa da kristine por uma semana.

"where i am from" from my english class.

I’m from my mom when she was in a country where she couldn’t speak the language.
I’m from a family who has lunch together in my grandparent’s house every Sunday and have fun.
I’m from a family who my grandfather tells long stories and everyone knows he is exaggerating or lying sometimes, but everyone listens and doesn’t complain.
I’m from a city where it is summer all year and everyone goes to the beach every Sunday and spends the day.
I’m from a country when the national soccer team is playing in the world cup, all country stop to watch; banks, schools, work are closed.
I’m from having new experiences, meeting new people, visiting new places, learning a new language.
I’m from learning with life, learning how to solve problems by myself, going to live with a family I didn’t know before came to U.S, going to a school I didn’t have any idea who anyone was where I had to try to make friends.
I’m from missing my family, friends, life, having to learn how to survive with this when I’m 17 and enjoy the year.
I’m from after the bad moments always having good moments and learning from mistakes.
I’m from a school where we have 12 subjects and have to study 4 hours every day after school to pass.
I’m from a school where they don’t care about sports, just focus in pass to college.
I’m from a big city now I’m from Alton, NH.